hey, i’m Sarah!


You're tired, exhausted, and SO DONE with working bedside. I get it. I've been  in your exact shoes and asked the same questions: 

How can I experience more freedom? 
How can I fall back in love with this career I chose for myself? 
Is there a way to travel more and work less? 


My career in travel nursing began in 2015 shortly after my dad passed away. I had felt overworked and underpaid at my staff job for years but I finally hit my breaking point when my time-off request was denied. Being scheduled to work the day after my father’s funeral was ultimately what led me to the realization that I deserved better and it was at that same time that I got an email from a recruiter telling me about travel nurse jobs all over the US. 

Travel nursing was my opportunity to escape a toxic work environment and do nursing on my own terms.

It wasn't exactly the happy ending I was planning for, though… 

After speaking with the recruiter, the next 24-hours were a total whirlwind: I applied for my first position, interviewed for the job, and accepted an offer. I felt on top of the world, knowing I was stepping into a new chapter where I could choose the city I lived in, make more money, and experience a new kind of freedom. 


Trust me when I tell you: I made ALL the mistakes so you wouldn't have to.

My excitement quickly wore off when I realized other travel nurses were making WAY more than me for doing the same job! My housing fell through, and failed negotiations with the agency left me broke. Yup, you read that right: I was bamboozled.

I desperately needed a mentor with a blueprint to guide me so that I could stop struggling and start thriving in the travel nursing industry— but that didn't exist. So after 20+ contracts under my belt and several years traveling to the top hospitals all across the US, I stepped up and created it. 


Today, I am an accomplished travel nurse, mentor and online educator on a daily mission to empower and educate nurses so they can maximize their income, reach their career goals, and experience the freedom that comes with working less and traveling more.


I cultivate a crazy-supportive community of thousands of nurses and use the power of social media to share daily travel nurse tips, hacks, and wisdom I've gained over the years. 

In 2021, I was named Nurse Entrepreneur of the Year by Nurse.org– the most prominent online nursing community of over 800,000 nurses and more than 30 million followers. I've built the career I've always dreamed of, and it all started with the decision to go ALL IN.

And now you're here!

You've landed in my corner of the internet, and I couldn't be more excited. If you're a nurse who has big dreams to travel, maximize your career goals, and work less while making more money, then you're in the right place. I've loaded up this site with more resources than you can imagine. Like I said earlier, I made some critical mistakes, so you wouldn't have to! 

Together, let's take the next step towards freedom on your own terms!

Enroll in the Six Figure Travel Nurse course.

Explore the blog.

Browse the resources and check out my favorite things.

And, most importantly, DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED! It's time to work smarter, not harder.


Are you ready to gain the freedom and pay you deserve?